This was published on July 26, 2006
Humility and awe. This is what summarizes my experience this past weekend. I had the amazing priviledge of attending the Steubenville of the Rockies Youth Conference with my High Schoolers in Denver. It was an incredible experience.
In a previous blog I talked about how I needed a boost in my spiritual life, this conference gave me just that. The fire with in me that had grown dim has definetally been rekindled into a roaring flame. I was just truly overwhelmed in an intense way by the love of God this weekend.
However the biggest impact this weekend was strong confirmation that I am where I'm supposed to be in life and a strong sense of humilty that God would use me, Mr. royal screw-up to have an impact in the lives of these teens. I had such an amazing time with the teens this weekend. I was truly able to connect with them. I was able to spend time being goofy with them but was also blessed to have great conversations and give them advice about what they are struggling with in their lives. Then today I spent time with two of the teens who had been on the trip so they could share their experience with me. I had lunch with Brett for two hours and then coffee with Danielle for an hour and a half. It was really neat to be able to do this.
I am so incredibly humbled by this. I have no buisness helping teens deal with the sin in their lives because I myself am such a big sinner. However God works through my weaknesses and by his Grace I am able to become his instrument. That blows my mind! How awesome is that? We are little nothing creatures but with His grace we can do amazing things. "It is no longer I, but Christ that lives in me". I know that's a scriputure quote from somewhere but I'm a Catholic so don't ask where exactly in the Bible it is. I just pray that I can continue to focus on the prize at hand and grow deeper in holiness so that God can use me more perfectly.
Finally this weekend gave me confirmation of where I'm supposed to be in life. Over the last couple months the whole not finding a wife yet has really been bothering me. However I realized this weekend that I would not be able to dedicate as much as I do to my teens in the Knights and at the High School if I were married. So as long as I am single I am going to throw myself full force into my job and ministry. I am going to fully embrace my current state in life so that God can use me more perfectly.
God is amazing. His love is real. His presence is real. Thank you Lord for all the blessings you have put in my life that I had failed to see until now.
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